λ author:print-description

Hi, I am Rafael Varago, and this is my new blog.

λ author:print-interests

I am a Software Engineer who enjoys learning new things, mainly programming languages and paradigms. My current interest lies in C++, Rust, Haskell, Scala, Go, C, Python, Linux, functional programming, system programming, tooling, IoT, cloud, math, etc.

λ author:print-goal

I intend to write about programming with bits of Mathematics here and there.

λ author:print-disclaimer

Please, take any advice that I may give as suggestions, rather than rules. Even though I will do my best to give good advice based correct and precise information, I sure lack some knowledge about the topics that I shall be discussing, and I am no authoritative source of truth at all. Therefore I may commit mistakes, for which I already apologize. That all said, I will look forward to receiving your feedback and learning from it.

I sincerely wish you have a good time :-).