Tag Index

 absent (1) adt (6) bash (1) build-system (4) c++ (16) cmake (3) db (1) design-pattern (1) docker (3) dsp (1) economics (1) emacs meta org-mode (1) embedded (1) etl (1) fp (10) git (1) go (1) golang (2) groovy (1) haskell (6) haskell rust (1) java (2) linux (4) math (3) meta-programming (1) networking (1) ocaml (1) oop (2) plt (1) rust (2) scala (1) stl (2) tests (2) type-system (3) visitor (1)

 absent (1)

Expressiveness, Nullable Types, and Composition

 adt (6)

Haunting Bugs with Phantom Types
Algebraic Data Types and Data Modelling
Expressiveness, Nullable Types, and Composition
The Beauty of Total Functions
A Brief Introduction to the Algebra of Types
From null to Option in Scala

 bash (1)

Be Proud of your Shell Scripts

 build-system (4)

Cross-Compiling C++ Projects with dockcross
Refactoring a CMake Build System
How to Use Modern CMake for an App + Lib Project
Introduction to CMake for C++

 c++ (16)

Rebinding Template Template Parameters
Cross-Compiling C++ Projects with dockcross
Haunting Bugs with Phantom Types
Algebraic Data Types and Data Modelling
Expressiveness, Nullable Types, and Composition
Object Instantiation, Immutability, and the Expression-Oriented Style
The Beauty of Total Functions
A Brief Introduction to the Algebra of Types
Refactoring a CMake Build System
Function Composition of STL Algorithms with Ranges
How to Use Modern CMake for an App + Lib Project
Custom Comparison for Associative Container
Introduction to CMake for C++
Managing Coupling with Dependency Injection
Default Implementation for Pure Virtual Functions in C++
Quick Look at GoogleTest for C++

 cmake (3)

Refactoring a CMake Build System
How to Use Modern CMake for an App + Lib Project
Introduction to CMake for C++

 db (1)

Extract Transform and Load

 design-pattern (1)

Pattern-matching without a match

 docker (3)

Oops, I forgot to --publish! How can I connect to the container then?
Cross-Compiling C++ Projects with dockcross
A Quick Introduction to Docker

 dsp (1)

Moving Average Filter

 economics (1)

Financial Market

 emacs meta org-mode (1)

Blogging with org-mode

 embedded (1)

Cross-Compiling C++ Projects with dockcross

 etl (1)

Extract Transform and Load

 fp (10)

Type-driven Designing Haskell's filter
Haunting Bugs with Phantom Types
Algebraic Data Types and Data Modelling
Expressiveness, Nullable Types, and Composition
Object Instantiation, Immutability, and the Expression-Oriented Style
The Beauty of Total Functions
A Brief Introduction to the Algebra of Types
Function Composition of STL Algorithms with Ranges
From null to Option in Scala
Groovy - Some Cool Features

 git (1)

Git fix-up Commits: How to Keep your Repository Concise

 go (1)

Fun with Go's range over function types

 golang (2)

Property-based Testing in Golang
Introduction to OOP in Golang

 groovy (1)

Groovy - Some Cool Features

 haskell (6)

Haskell, the little things (1 of N) - where clauses
Type-driven Designing Haskell's filter
Algebraic Data Types and Data Modelling
Object Instantiation, Immutability, and the Expression-Oriented Style
The Beauty of Total Functions
A Brief Introduction to the Algebra of Types

 haskell rust (1)

A length-indexed Vector in Rust

 java (2)

Pattern-matching without a match
Introduction to Google Guice for DI

 linux (4)

Cross-Compiling C++ Projects with dockcross
Be Proud of your Shell Scripts
Handling Zombie Processes in Linux
A Quick Introduction to Docker

 math (3)

Integrating a trigonometric expression for fun
The Beauty of Total Functions
A Brief Introduction to the Algebra of Types

 meta-programming (1)

Rebinding Template Template Parameters

 networking (1)

Oops, I forgot to --publish! How can I connect to the container then?

 ocaml (1)

Pattern-matching without a match

 oop (2)

Introduction to OOP in Golang
Groovy - Some Cool Features

 plt (1)

Pattern-matching without a match

 rust (2)

A length-indexed Vector in Rust - Part 2
Announcement: haz-rs

 scala (1)

From null to Option in Scala

 stl (2)

Function Composition of STL Algorithms with Ranges
Custom Comparison for Associative Container

 tests (2)

Property-based Testing in Golang
Quick Look at GoogleTest for C++

 type-system (3)

Type-driven Designing Haskell's filter
Haunting Bugs with Phantom Types
Algebraic Data Types and Data Modelling

 visitor (1)

Pattern-matching without a match