Rebinding a template template parameter in C++ might be useful at times, or at least fun to do.

Rebinding a T<A> into a T<B>.

While upsetting my compiler and having some fun with template metaprogramming in C++, I stumbled upon the need of rebinding the inner type A of a template template parameter T<A> into a different type B, resulting in T<B>.

That is not particularly complicated and probably not very interesting. Still, it is a fun exercise and might be useful once in a while when writing generic code. Thus I have decided to code up a small type trait and share it.


Given a template parameter T matching some type such as T<A> I want a T<B>.

Let’s start off writing compile-time tests that shall demonstrate the API that we want to end up with and later check its implementation:

static_assert(std::is_same_v<rebind<std::vector<int>>::value_type, int>);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<rebind<std::vector<int>>::to<float>, std::vector<float>>);

We have given the name rebind to our type trait.

Given a template template parameter T<A>, we have that rebind<T<A>> should expose two member aliases: value_type and to.

We access the inner type A as value_type and rebind the template template parameter to another inner type B like T<B> as to<B>.


With an idea on what the API of rebind will look like, we are ready to implement it:

template <typename T>
struct rebind;

template <template<typename> typename T, typename A>
struct rebind<T<A>> {
    using value_type = A;

    template <typename B>
    using to = T<B>;

As usual, we pattern match on templates.

We have a primary template of rebind which we left empty, and a partial specialization for the case where we have a type matching T<A>.

In the partial specialization, we destructure the parameters and store them in the member aliases value_type and to. Since to rebinds the inner type A into another type B, it needs to accept B as a template parameter as well.

If we run our tests, they should pass.

As a convenience we can add an alias rebind_to that should ease usage, mainly when dealing with dependent names:

template <typename T, typename B>
using rebind_to = typename rebind<T>::to<B>;

Then, we can write rebind_to<std::vector<int>, float>> as opposed to rebind<std::vector<int>>::to<float>, which is a bit shorter.

Improving Error Messages

Our implementation relies on the “catch-all” primary template, which we should not instantiate.

However, when we attempt to use rebind with an invalid type, the compiler will then try to instantiate the primary template, which we had not defined; therefore we will likely get a rather unclear compilation-error message:

error: incomplete type 'rebind<int>' used in nested name specifier
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<rebind<int>::value_type, int>);

We may improve it by statically asserting that our primary template is never used, and if it does, we then display a more descriptive message:

template <typename T>
struct rebind {
    static_assert(deny<T>, "T must match T<A>");

Where deny is a variable template whose sole purpose is to delay the evaluation of the static_assert to the point when we do attempt to, mistakenly, instantiate the primary template:

template <typename...>
inline constexpr auto deny = false;

Now, we should see the following error message whenever we pass an invalid parameter:

error: static assertion failed: T must match T<A>
    static_assert(deny<T>, "T must match T<A>")

Final Code

template <typename...>
inline constexpr auto deny = false;

template <typename T>
struct rebind {
    static_assert(deny<T>, "T must match T<A>");

template <template<typename> typename T, typename A>
struct rebind<T<A>> {
    using value_type = A;

    template <typename B>
    using to = T<B>;

template <typename T, typename B>
using rebind_to = typename rebind<T>::to<B>;

Implementing transform for std::optional<A>-like types with rebind

An example where we may want to use rebind is to implement a generic transform for std::optional<A>-like types.

transform allows us to map over a type such as std::optional<A> with a function A → B to produce an std::optional<B>, or return an empty std::optional<B> if the input std::optional<A> is empty.

However, we want to extend it to support other types that are “similar” to std::optional<A>, i.e. all types that model the same optional-like concept.

Disclaimer: A C++20 concept for optional-like/nullable would probably fit the bill far better.

We may implement a simplified (omitting forwarding references, etc) version of transform as:

template <typename OptionalA, typename UnaryFunction,
    typename OptionalB = rebind_to<OptionalA, decltype(std::invoke(std::declval<UnaryFunction>(), *std::declval<OptionalA>()))>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto transform(OptionalA opt, UnaryFunction fn) -> OptionalB {
    if (!opt) {
        return OptionalB{}; // empty optional in, then empty optional out.
    else {
        return OptionalB{std::invoke(fn, *opt)}; // apply `fn` to the value inside `opt` and wrap it in a new optional.

The signature might look scary, especially the last template parameter OptionalB, which is arguably an abuse of default parameters. That is only meant to have the name OptionalB available in both return type and body, and thus avoid repeating the same expression twice.

Fundamentally, OptionalA has the type T<A> and we de-reference it with * to access the inner A which we feed into UnaryFunction of type A -> B to obtain a B that we finally lift into the expected return type OptionalB of type T<B>.

We might use transform as:

int main(int, char*[]) {
    std::optional<double> const in_opt{1.5};
    std::optional<int> const out_opt = transform(in_opt, [](double const x) {return static_cast<int>(x) + 2;}); // std::optional<int>{3}
    return out_opt.value();

The assembly instructions generated from the Compiler Explorer when compiling with x86-64 gcc 10.2 and -std=c++17 -O1 -Wall -Wextra -Werror:

        mov     eax, 3
        sub     rsp, 8
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZStL8__ioinit
        call    std::ios_base::Init::Init() [complete object constructor]
        mov     edx, OFFSET FLAT:__dso_handle
        mov     esi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZStL8__ioinit
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev
        call    __cxa_atexit
        add     rsp, 8

That means that the compiler managed to evaluate the whole expression at compile-time, yielding the value 3.

From my perspective, a member function in std::optional<T> or, perhaps preferably, language support for something like extension methods would lead to a much nicer syntax (in_opt.transform([](auto const x) {return std::to_string(x + 1);})) and cleaner chaining (in_opt.transform(to_this).transform(to_that)).


In this purposefully short post, we have seen how to write a type trait rebind to rebind a template template parameter T<A> to different inner type B resulting in a new type T<B>, which might be useful when writing generic code.

For simplicity, we have limited ourselves to types with single parameters (e.g. T<A>). However, we could extend rebind to work with variadic templates (e.g. T<A, As...> and store As... in an std::tuple<As...>) without much hassle.


[1] C++ reference: Template parameters and template arguments.

[2] Expressiveness, Nullable Types, and Composition.